the man

the latest

And we've grown.. we have representatives in San Francisco, New York and Charlotte! Its been a great ride, and we've seen ups and downs trying to weather the economic storm!! We've had days that I've been up till 4 in the morning trying to get things done, and days when we've been twiddling our thumbs trying to find that next project to come from. We've had clients that are pretty chilled out... to people who just don't know what they want! The dude's like... ahh I don't like the color ... can you use some cool font for the text.. something like Papyrus!! I was like.. take a hike.. be a paper pusher!! Anyways.. I'm actually across the pond now, and going to be heading back to the States on March the 17th doing a whirlwind trip of New York, Miami, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, LAS VEGAS!!! .. meeting Shormila (yay!) and then finally back to San Francisco!

We're also looking to partners around the world who're interested in creating great design at a reasonable cost. Its just a nice way of saying, outsource to us... we do an awesome job!

the firm: multidimension

it was always an ambition that one day, an entity would exist that would change the rules on how people saw products, services and individuals. a company that would work together with clients to achieve exceptional results.

multidimension has one simple goal: to deliver the best brand experience to our audience.

as a full service creative design agency, we create visual brand experiences that inspire, compel, seduce and communicate new approaches. design for clarity and impact. we define our design services through the needs of our clients, and offer the full spectrum of graphic design, web design, identity development, advertising and brand marketing. just to name a few. so from us, you can expect all the services you need to deliver engaging, performance-enhancing communications and marketing,

we specialize in:
website design, advertising, identity/logo systems, copywriting and editing, corporate presentations, interactive campaigns and concept development

the present

Born and raised in Mumbai, I was always into tech. Everything from the coolest cellphone to the shiny Ipaq (yeah its dated) I always wanted it. At one point I had gone through, 15 cellphones in three years.. we had a source. Leaving home to go to boarding school at 15, it was a life changing experience. I was free to make and be responsible for my own decisions. Great friends were made and long term associations were formed. After graduating, I decided to go to Sunderland, England and decided to study something which till date my family wonder what it meant : Interactive Entertainment Systems. The few inches of snow was a bit too much, and hence Google Maps was opened up and plans were drawn to move to San Francisco and study at the Academy of Art Univesity and study New Media design aka something to do with website, graphic design, animation, interactive and multimedia according to 99% of the people I meet.

After graduating I moved across the Bay to Santa Clara, to work with Avaya Inc, a telecommunications major as a user interface production artist and maybe even as a human factors engineer, I have absolutely no idea. It was a fabulous experience where I got to work on Avaya's mobile as well as thin products. providing graphical elements and UI design for Avaya's one-X mobile application.

Having to return back to India to help the family, I formed multidimension|studios, a creative digital agency as well as helping my father with his company Rubycon Electrical and Electronic Industries.
And since that we've grown to having representatives in multiple cities.

current work

check out our updated portfolio at